“Praise be to The One, the source of all Life! The grass beneath our feet, the birds that sing to us each morning, the very air that we breathe, are His gifts to us. Foolish are those who turn their back on The One, for they will bring His wrath upon us all once more. We stand on the precipice; it is not too late to chart a course back into His Light.”
- preachings of Hierarch Valris

Followers of The One believe that He is the creator of Ashriya and its people. They claim that The One is responsible for populating the planet, and watches over the beings who inhabit it today. Some worshipers claim that he is responsible for creating the other Gods as well; some few go so far to claim that all other Gods are really The One, listening to the prayers made to them and answering accordingly. Whatever the case may be, His importance amongst the gods, as well as the magnitude of His power, is evident by the common reference to the “Nine and One” gods who are Seated, separating out The One from the rest.

Most worshipers of The One lead humble, quiet lives, giving thanks and gratitude to The One for the gifts He has granted the world. A common practice for followers of The One is to give offerings to The One by burning them in a brazier upon an altar to Him. Usually these offerings take the form of food they have collected from harvesting, or a prime cut of meat from a hunted animal. All followers of The One espouse the importance of offering Him their praise, for the world would not be without Him. They believe He is always watching them, heralding a better tomorrow. Followers of The One believe it was He who made the world, and that it is their duty to both give Him their thanks, and to ensure that the world and the opportunities that He has provided are not wasted.

The One’s strength and notoriety spread significantly after the time of the Turning. Many of His followers claimed that the Drought and the Floods were the results of The One’s wrath, believing that He was punishing them, giving chastisement for some great sin committed. Popularity in The One increased significantly following the end of the Drought and Floods, His worshipers claiming that their sins had been forgiven, and He had restored balance and order to the world.

Small churches to The One can be found across Ashriya, though their numbers seem to lessen each year. In the past century, popularity in The One has been slowly diminishing; many of his churches and temples have fallen into a state of disrepair, and are abandoned. Some worshipers believe that the Surges are actually caused by The One in response to the diminishing faith, believing that it is His will to purge the world of blasphemers who refuse to recognize His authority.

Each Temple of The One is led by a priest known as a Novice. The highest honor given to a follower of The One is the title of Hierarch. The most well known temple to The One can be found in Myra, led by Hierarch Lavin Valris.

The One’s colors are black and white. His symbol is a black circle with a white center.

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