“To die with honor is a far greater fate than to live without it.”
-The Creed of Honor

Kroon is worshiped by those who understand and adhere to a strict code of Honor. Lengthy debates have been had between Kroon’s faithful about what is, or is not, Honorable. Each follower has their own personal code, and understanding of Honor. While there can be variance in how Honor is interpreted, there are several things that are generally considered to be Honorable conduct among all His worshipers.

Those who choose to live with Honor believe that they have an obligation to uphold their morals and do the right thing. Followers of Kroon see intentionally breaking promises or oaths, whether to themselves or others, as a failing to uphold their lord's will. Some Kroon worshipers may go so far as to think it dishonorable to even accidentally break their word. Kroon’s faithful see lying and intentionally misleading people as dishonorable acts. Their word is their bond, and to Honor their lord they must Honor their word. Followers of Kroon do not cheat or steal, they try to live their lives with upstanding morality. Many of Kroon’s followers would rather die defending honor or a noble belief, than live having not stood up for that cause.

Kroon worshipers come from many different walks of life. The soldier that worships Kroon is unlikely to attack an enemy from behind, believing that in honorable combat enemies should face each other. Most followers would also agree that it is dishonorable to kill a fleeing foe. The magistrate that worships Kroon will avoid corruption of their position, taking no bribes and relying on the laws to uphold justice. While it is generally considered Honorable to follow the laws, occasionally a Kroon worshiper may find themselves in a moral conundrum if their personal code of Honor does not align with the laws of man. The Merchant that follows Kroon would not intentionally sell a faulty product, nor mark up their price beyond reasonable profit. One's path of Honor can manifest in a great variety of ways, and could evoke elements of respectability, magnanimity, truth, compassion, valor, purity, or even just simple loyalty. Kroon judges only your persistence in adherence to your code.

Kroon was once on the verge of being forgotten, but has regained a very small, yet dedicated following. There are not many temples to Kroon, and those that exist tend to be small and humble structures where worshipers can come together to praise their lord, discuss philosophies, and teach others the virtues of Honor.

There is no hierarchy dictated among Kroon’s followers, and titles are generally not given or taken by worshipers, except when Kroon bestows a title upon a devout follower. The most well-known title to be given is Noble Hands of Kroon. Even still, Honor requires humility, and the exact number of these people who are the closest to priests the faith has, is not entirely known.

A small but well-known monastery is the Priory of the Principle, situated in Rodbar. The practitioners of the Priory are warrior monks, spending their days involved in non-lethal honor combat, prayer, and discussing philosophy and ethics. There are no high priests of Kroon, but the monks here are all quite wise, and suitable resources for normal questions of faith. The eldest here is known as Brother Astus.

Kroon’s color is yellow. His symbol is a triskelion.

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