"O happy’s the Baldorian, free from all fear
To be merry, with a smile and good cheer.
With his lute & his friends passing hours away,
singing song after song till he hails the new day."

Baldoria is the god of Hope and Revelry, whose followers are always ready for a good laugh, strong drink, and hearty meal. Baldoria worshipers usually see the glass as half full; and then they top it off.

Followers of Baldoria are often great caretakers of the community. Whether they are serving a warm meal, singing an entertaining ballad, or filling another's glass, the faithful are spreading Baldoria’s message. They espouse that one must celebrate their successes when they have them, and allow themselves to be uplifted by the positives in life. A Baldoria worshiper will not shy away from earnest celebration for even small successes. Even when times seem dark, Baldoria’s faithful find Hope.

The devout of Baldoria will tell you that Hope is the beginning of everything. Hoping for a brighter future, a better tomorrow, is what binds people together and brings out the best in them. Hope gives something to strive for, gives the capacity for love, for mercy, and for kindness. It gives them the courage to accomplish great feats; some of strength, others of compassion. Baldoria’s followers spread this hope through encouraging revelry, finding any event a worthy occasion for a feast or toast.

To most devout worshipers, all beings of Ashriya deserve to enjoy Baldoria’s Bounty, whether that be fine drink, good food, or pleasant music. Devotees like to say that every being has felt Baldoria’s embrace. Not everyone feels the strong love of Darius, or a call to prophecy and visions of Sarik. However, all at some point have enjoyed a fine drink, a warm fire, or a well tuned lute.

Baldoria worship is largely community-based. Reflecting that, many communities that give collective praise to Baldoria will have yearly traditions, usually in the form of a grand feast shortly after the autumn harvest, where all members of the community (and beyond) are welcome to take part in the good cheer and merriment. The organization of these festivals is often handled by a small handful of people each year, but the event itself includes participation from the entire community coming together to contribute food and drink in a wonderfully tasteful potluck. With good wine flowing, songs and prayers being sung, and merriment abound, these festivities can last long into the night; several communities are known for their multi-day long festivals, particularly in the Western nations.

Baldoria has no specific color or symbol. Many followers adorn themselves in vibrant colors, and represent their faith with a symbol relating to revelry, often depicting a wine goblet, cornucopia, or a musical instrument.

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