"Aradia brings magic to the world, and Her children serve by practicing the art which She bestowed. Practice the art often, and learn well the secrets, so too shall She smile upon you. Whether your magic be wild or calculated, Aradia will take your tribute to heart.”
- Aradian Hierarchy

Aradia is the Mistress of Magic, Weaver of the Silver Threads. Those who worship Aradia give praise for the gift that She has bestowed the world, the powerful force known as Magic. Those who worship Aradia believe that Her gift goes beyond what most people can comprehend: they believe that Magic is a part of everyone, it exists everywhere in everything, and to understand Magic is to understand everything.

Nearly every worshiper of Aradia has some amount of Magical tutelage, from basic spellcasting to grander ritualistic performances. Devotees of Aradia can vary significantly in their form of worship. Some believe that to cast or even simply benefit from any form of magic is to give praise to Aradia. Others believe that the only true way to honor Her is to devote oneself entirely to the study of Magic, finding new ways to apply ritual theories to all aspects of life.

She has a strong following, not only of mages, but also those who seek the gifts that Her blessing can bestow upon them. Temples and shrines to Aradia can be found in most major settlements and cities across Ashriya. Her touch is more commonly felt than that of many of the other gods. Whether this is due to her power, or merely her personality, is a matter of great debate amongst theologians.

The Church of Magistry, often called the Church of Aradia, follows an organized hierarchy, with followers working to complete tasks of initiation to prove their dedication to Aradia and her arts. The pinnacle of the Aradian hierarchy is the “Magus”, who is respected and often feared by all followers of Aradia, for they are granted their title from Aradia herself. Underneath the Magus are “Magisters”, who are accomplished ritualists and casters who have proven their dedication and skill. Priests and Abbotts are titles used to denote leaders of specific local and regional organizations. Abbots begin their journey on the path of Magistry by completing traditional prayers and rites. While the title of priest is often given to a devout leader who does not directly follow the path of Magistry; the Church of Magistry recognizes them as part of their hierarchy regardless. The titles earned through the trials of Magistry are widely respected among most worshipers of Aradia, even those who do not follow this path themselves.

The School of the Silver Thread has temples across Ashriya to spread the gifts of their Mistress. This prominent path of worship is even gaining popularity among those who do not consider themselves devotees of Aradia. Patrons of the School of the Silver Thread have diligently encouraged collaboration between mages from across Ashriya in order to rebuild their collective knowledge. Though their work after the latest Surge is nigh complete, they continue to encourage collaboration between local guilds and organizations for the betterment of all Magic users. The Silver Thread focuses on spreading the gifts of Magic to all. Its followers do not worry themselves with the titles and procedures of the Church of Magistery, but those who garner respect as leaders within the School of the Silver Thread are often called priests.

Aradia’s colors are silver and white, and Her symbol is Thean, the ritual symbol for Protection.

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