“One must trust in Jarro, for sometimes not getting what you want is in fact a stroke of good luck in itself.”
-A common adage amongst Jarro’s devout

Jarro is the name given to the god of Luck, Fortune and Chance. Jarro worshippers revel in taking chances and throwing themselves into the unknown, accepting the outcomes as a sign of their god’s presence in their lives. Jarro worshipers take life’s events in stride, remembering that any Luck, good or bad, means their god is watching them. Worship comes in many forms and there are no strict rules regarding ceremonies or actions one can take to praise Jarro.

It is often regarded as best to look for the good Luck in bad situations, but devout worshippers understand that Jarro brings both good Luck and bad, and believe prosperity is to be enjoyed while it lasts, always remembering that catastrophe could strike at any time, for any reason. When things do go wrong, most shrug it off and wait for the silver lining, although some view it as a sign that they need to renew their devotion, or just "re-roll the dice". Many of Jarro's faithful see the world as a series of chances, some even choosing to view life as a game, and though there are those who neurotically and obsessively play the odds, most are content to sit back and wait to see what the Luck god has in store for them.

While some worshipers of Jarro attempt to leave all things to chance, living in the moment, many others follow a path that preaches preparation: control what you can, all else is left to Luck. Many believe doing all that you can to ensure a good outcome will earn good fortune for the things which cannot be predicted or controlled. Those that follow this path tend to respect and strictly maintain rituals that have led them to Luck, or keep items on them that they have found to bring them Luck.

Fortune favors the bold. Great reward is always accompanied by great risk, and a true worshiper of Jarro should not shy away from daunting challenges. Worshipers that follow this path often preach that all opportunities missed are opportunities lost.

Adherents of Jarro are fairly difficult to offend in matters of faith, lacking the commandments or dogmas common to other gods, they fully acknowledge that attracting the attention of Jarro can be a curse as often as it is a blessing. However, the surest way to anger a Jarro worshiper is to cheat, or rig the odds, especially at a game of chance. To do so is not only to commit a blasphemy against Jarro, but to offer a grave insult to Jarro's followers. Additionally, worshipers of Jarro tend not to seek any answers of the future from divination. It is perceived that to know the outcome ahead of time takes the chance and possibility from a situation. Until the outcome is known, anything is possible.

There is no formal organizational structure for Jarro's worship. It is a decentralized and highly personal form of faith. However, it is common to find consecrated shrines to Jarro in gambling halls and casinos in cities across Ashriya.

Jarro has no specific color or symbol. Many of His followers represent their faith with a symbol relating to chance, often depicting a coin, a deck of cards, or dice.

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