“When we are young, they tell us, ‘Do not touch fire, it is hot and you will hurt yourself.’ Some listen, scared of the pain. To worship Domad is to touch the fire, knowing it will hurt. To worship Domad is to find new fires, new experiences, that you know may hurt and bring you pain, and embrace them regardless. For it is far better to live a life filled with pain than a life filled with fear.”
- Dominat Lucian

Domad is known as the God of Pain, and encompasses the nature of agony, suffering and strife. Many of those outside of the faith look upon Domad as “The Torture God,” but this is an unfair title; or at least, one that does not depict the whole truth. While most outsiders to the faith liken Domad to physical pain, most Domad worshipers agree that some, if not most, pain comes from within. While some may view Domad worshipers as cruel, many Domad worshipers are compassionate and empathetic to those who are in pain, willing to offer them guidance as they navigate through their internalized pain and torment.

While all Domad worshipers agree that to worship Domad is to live a life that does not shy away from pain, Domad worshipers generally fall into one of two Paths; Masochists and Sadists.

Domad worshippers who tend to be Masochistic believe that experiencing pain is the path to enlightenment; that agony and suffering is both a purifying experience and the path to truth. Transcendence is found by understanding pain. Those who follow the more Sadistic path however believe that inflicting pain is the spiritual experience. This latter sect has a tendency towards fanaticism; some more zealous followers take to spreading pain wherever they can, which has historically earned Domad less than reputable notoriety.

While many followers of Domad fit into one of these categories, many worshipers will walk both Paths; for to truly understand Domad, one must embrace all aspects of Pain. Most churches and temples to Domad are welcoming to followers of either Path, as both Paths working together allows for each other to further their faith.

Domadians follow a single Dominat, as the head of the religion. As you would expect, a Dominat must endure horrific and torturous trials to achieve their position. Those that aspire to depose the Dominat and take their position must also overcome these trials.

There is a temple to Domad located in Ward, a small village located on the northern coast of Nulrath, though the village is inaccessible most of the year due to the extreme climate on the northern coast of the peninsula.

Domad’s colors are black and red, and His symbol is a cat o' nine tails.

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