
Situated on the peninsula at the crux between the North Sea and the Western Ocean, Caldan is an extremely small nation. It was a City-State through most of its history, but has built a large second town since the Third Surge. The original settlement is a city situated atop cliffs on the southwestern coast. Crafters have built elaborate staircases into the cliffside to allow access to ports built at the base. The rough seas to the northwest provide protection from sea raids, and their high walled city is well fortified to sustain a siege. The Ports of Caldan are a growing town located on the eastern side of the peninsula, separated from the city by the wood, and built directly into the cliffside. They were formed after the forests appeared to help ensure trade with the nations to the east.

Caldan is a trading powerhouse; many of their negotiations are based on tariffs and taxation for goods passing through the city. They have strong relationships with both their neighbors, Corsic and the Necropolis, and prosper from trade with both nations. Corsic provides goods from all over the West, while the Necropolis and other nations along the North Sea bring goods from the Midlands and the East. It is said that you can find nearly anything in Caldan if you know who to ask.

The city of Caldan has been called “The City of Guilds” by many. The city is ruled by a triumvirate composed of three heads of guilds, with all the guilds vying to claim a seat. The guilds compete for influence over each other, the city's populace, and most importantly the trading families. Currently, the three councilors are Bertrand Silver, a Haroc and the head of the Armorer’s Guild; Otto Fitzwylder, a Lyche of the Alchemist’s Guild; and Jafarir Zilspa, a Ritika from the Guild of the Mind. There are guilds of all kinds in Caldan, but none hold as much sway as the Merchant’s Guild. Despite not currently having a seat on the Triumvirate, the Merchant’s Guild of Caldan have contracted guides to lead them through the wood without incurring the wrath of the Glibben, making them integral to the nation’s trade economy, and leaving them well respected by all. The richest man in Caldan, an Elf named Malik Thun, is also the head of The Merchant’s Guild. A known recluse, it is said he lives in a lavish suite at the top of the Merchant’s Guild Headquarters.


A bustling city, Caldan’s streets are often filled with visitors from around the world - these foreign visitors are often looked at with disdain if they don’t know the “ways of the city”. Back alleys are often home to cutthroats and thieves, waiting for unsuspecting travelers to ambush. Shops and markets selling wares from around the world line what is known as the “World District”, which takes up about three blocks.

Newcomers to the city are encouraged to garner their own piece of Caldan’s luck and prosperity by leaving something significant to them at the statue Glory, a 40 foot statue depicting Liandra holding a fallen, unnamed hero in her arms.

Glory stands in an enormous plaza at the entrance to the city. Walking through Caldan’s gates, the statue is surrounded by a large, white stone fountain. You can often find musicians sitting on the edge trying to earn a few coins with their songs.

Fortune’s Folly is a tavern that is also a betting hall, and is the central location for the infamous “Gambler’s Guild”. It also doubles as a Temple of Jarro, with many worshipers visiting to try their luck.

A famous venue one street over from the World District, The Lady’s Rest, is owned by the Bard’s Guild. To get a slot to perform here is considered to be the pinnacle for many musician’s careers.

The guard force of the city is made up of conscripts from the various guilds, often novices putting in time to serve on the watch, and they are almost always overworked. The Mercenaries’ Guild, The Magic Guild, and the Guild of the Mind provided most of their forces. In times of trouble all conscripts from the Guilds may be called on to protect the city. The only times all conscripts have been called upon was during the Third Surge when the appearance of the forest, along with the waters rapidly rising up the cliffside, had everyone on guard regardless of the call to duty.


Caldan was first formed in 83AR. Originally a small outpost primarily used for trading by the Necropolis, it slowly built up over time to become what it is today. The Second Surge left many of the citizens of the Midlands displaced. With both Sarth and Jast filled with refugees, and the Necropolis unable to house so many living, many immigrated further west. Caldan, growing exponentially, utilized many of the displaced craftsmen - masons, carpenters and laborers - to build elaborate architecture and large buildings to house its citizens. Becoming well known, these craftspeople started taking commissions in the Necropolis and Corsic. This encouraged a significant amount of trading. As a byproduct, many guilds began to form here.

As Caldan began to grow they garnered more attention from Corsic. Raiders from Corsic prompted Caldan to build more defensively. The laborers of Caldan ensured their legacy of greatness by erecting siege walls around the city that are sure to stand for centuries to come.

When the Third Surge occurred, Caldan was lucky to be built high as the floods did not reach them. Though the seas did not rise to meet Caldan, the waters of the The Strait became too treacherous to pass with whirlpools swirling ominously at any given moment. The forests that appeared overnight also worked to cut Caldan off from the east. They were lucky enough to have their city intact, but Caldan’s livelihood was severely threatened by these Changes.

The first groups who attempted to enter the newly emerged forest were never seen again. Only one person survived; haunted by what they saw, they would not speak of what happened. It quickly became clear that the forest was impassable.

Unable to sail around or pass to the east by land, Caldan had to make it through the winter without the trade which they had relied on since their founding. While Caldan does have some land conducive to farming, it does not provide enough to comfortably feed the city and Corsic, which is reliant on food from Caldan. In the depths of winter the villages outside the city were increasingly raided by forces from Corsic, pillaging for rations to feed their people.

In desperation, a Liandra worshiper named Vallkar Thun turned to the wood and entered - vowing he would find a way through. It is said that he made a deal with the Glibben residing in the forest: as long as a member of his family escorted travelers through the wood, Caldan’s goods could pass through to the northern coast. This seems to hold true as the Merchant’s Guild in Caldan is able to pass through the wood unharmed to bring goods to The Ports, but it is also said that Vallkar was never seen again after entering the wood that day.

This advent led to the construction of “The Ports” or as outsiders call it, “The Ports of Caldan” on the northeastern coast of the peninsula. Its original intention was to simply restore their trade to the east, but has grown into a large, bustling town. Utilizing the many skilled craftsmen at Caldan’s disposal, the town was built directly into the cliff walls.

Today, Caldan is an immense fortified city surrounded by a large wall. A hub for trade, its location allows for sea and land trade from the east through The Ports, and from the west directly to the city.

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